
Bottles & Bites Restaurant & Bar – Audio System

Client: Bottles and Bites Restaurant and Bar

Their Request: A Professional Audio System

Summary of Job

Bottles and Bites Restaurant and Bar is located at Trade Winds Hotel, San Fernando. They were looking for an affordable, discrete, professional audio system.
The system was required to cover all areas of the restaurant that guests will occupy, as well as be easily heard while not over-powering nor disturbing the neighbors close to the hotel and restaurant’s outer deck. Therefore, with all things considered each area needed to have separate volume controls.

Four (4) Bose speakers, two in each area (inside and outer deck), were used to cover the areas with soft yet audible background music. The system does provide the option of being quite resonant, with ample low end and clarity for those times that a party atmosphere may be needed.

The entire system is powered by the Bose ISA power amplifier which is hidden from sight. Further, a mixing console along with two wireless microphones were installed and hidden for live vocal entertainment and other audio requirements that may ever be needed by the owners. Additionally, an iPad was given to facilitate their nightly music needs.

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